Friday, January 23, 2009

Facebook or not?

All the rage is facebook and I still don't have one. I have enough trouble posting here consistently. My daughters have facebook pages. My husband has one too. The girls are not thrilled about that to say the least. More and more, friends of mine are on facebook. They tell me to get a page. Not that I don't want to see their pages, but I am not sure I want to do it. My girls think it's for teenagers only and I had to tell Katharine today, the adults are there too. No stopping it.

My girlfriend called me last week to ask if I knew that David (GOM) had photos of me on his facebook. One of me SLEEPING...I asked him to remove them. He said he thought they were cute. I thought I should have been asked. My friend said she was not sure she should have told me and I said she absolutely did the right thing.

My friend has a ranch with six horses, four dogs, a cat, and now a pig. She was telling me how funny the six week old pig is. I already know what a hoot her two little Brussels Griffins are. One slides down the hill backwards which is very funny. She always has funny animal stories, but the pig story with the dog jumping in its pen was so funny I told her she needs to video tape the pig at least. A six week old pig is much cuter than the five hundred pounds it will grow to. She called this afternoon and her daughter had video'd the pig and it is on her facebook, of course! I can go in to her facebook to look at it since I have her password. She didn't have a problem with me having the password. I helped her set up online banking and have that password too. Anyhow, should I get a facebook or not?