Thursday, July 26, 2007

New Research About Fat People

As if being fat isn't enough of a self esteem killer, now this. New research says that if you are fat, you will make those around you fat. If you have a fat friend, you are likely to be fat too. Nothing to do with genes this time, no, this is contagious and caught by just being near a fat person!

It is already to the point of making fat people feel worse than they already do. Similar to how our society got the word out about the bad people who smoked. Yes, it is bad for us, so let's shame them into not smoking when we see them. Same thing now with obesity. It really makes me sick to think that nobody plays with the fat kid now. What happens next, the kids say they cannot play with the fat kid because they don't want to catch it? (Say that with a British accent for a little added effect)

Yes, we know what to eat. We know we are supposed to exercise. We know it could be years before we can look like we are supposed to look and that right there is the unbelievably hard part. It is such a daunting task for some that we go back to our old patterns. Some fatties actually have reasons other than they are not eating enough veggies and fruits. Should the lucky thinner people be able to treat us like lepers now that the new research says it is contagious? If we are to be banished to our own island, I already have mine picked out.

Where is the research that says that having thin friends makes chubby people lose weight? Maybe helps them learn how choose the right foods by example? Maybe the thinnies can choose a chubby buddy to exercise with? I would like to see somebody do that kind of research and then come back and announce to the world that being thin is contagious.

Who funds this stuff anyhow? Live and let live damn it!

1 comment:

alan said...

Finally! The comments are back on! I thought perhaps you were tired of me!

Perhaps it's that someone who doesn't mind not feeling guilty about enjoying good food might be a bad influence on them?

My experience of these last few years seems to say, for my body anyway, it's a whole lot more about the exercise than the fuel!

I'd share an island with you anytime!
