Thursday, April 28, 2005

Not Choices. Just a Rant

It is raining again. We have had a lot this season. It is so embarrassing to watch the local TV channels do "Storm Watch."
It rains a lot more in other locals but, we have to endure the local reporters out in the field in anticipation (Reminds me of Carly Simon and a ketchup commercial) of rain.

The poor reporters must be embarrassed too. They stand there and have to find something else to talk about. "Oh, yes Paul, the rain is coming, but while we wait, let us talk to this man." She grabs a guy off the street and says, "How do you feel about the rain that is coming?" The guy."Who gives a shit?" Oops, moving on the the next guy. "Sir, how do you feel about the rain that is coming?" "Well, I hate it, because I moved here for the sunshine." " There you have it folks" the reporter says. "Back to you Paul."

Next reporter. "I am standing in a flood zone. It is dry now, but when the rain gets here, this will be flooded and the roads will be cordoned off." Then they show footage of past flooding. "Back to you Paul."

Paul: "Let's bring in our favorite meteorologist and see when the rain will be here."

"Thanks Paul." "Uh, we might not see as much rain as we thought. The storm we thought was going to dump an inch in the coastal ranges, is falling apart and will likely dump most of its moisture in the ocean." "We now expect a quarter inch, but it will be very windy as the storm moves out."

Ok then. With today's technology, the powers that be still cannot predict the weather. How many different computer models do they have? I'll tell you. Too many. They run all the models and then decide which one is most likely true. Best two out of three, five out of seven? Maybe there are just too many models to choose from. How about two models? If they agree, that is our weather, If they don't agree, don't tell us it is going to rain!

When the weather people on the news come clean and say, "The NWS says, it is going to rain" they have a cover their ass forecast. Instead, they say, " It appears that we will have up to an inch of rain. But, I think we will have more." Unless they are actual meteorologists, and not just clowns, who think they are funny, I prefer not to hear it. Hell, I can go to the satellite loop and radar images myself and frankly, I am not a bad weather person! HAHA

It is said that Southern Californian's don't know how to drive in the rain. Embarrassing again.

Slow down when the roads are wet.....It is not rocket sicience!


Grumpy Old Man said...

Steve Martin on LA Story filmed the weather on Friday for the whole weekend.

Usually would work.

Anonymous said...

Did you mean Carly Simon's Anticipation?

I agree with your rant! Why not send them out when the storm actually HITS?

I know more about the weather viewing my VERY OWN, WWS (Wireless Weather Station, best purchase of the year I might add)than suffering through the 20 mins of horrible news to see the yahoos trying to predict the weather!!

PS.... Have you checked the forecast today??

Jana aka Mizzduh

Nancy said...

Jana, You are so right. Our weather stations are the bomb. Thanks to Phoebe and the Wild Bird Center she owns for the clearance sale!!!!

It did take me a while to make my rain gauge work though...But we did it!

Thanks for correcting me on Carly Simon.....Of course it was her. She is definitely not Carol King! Right era though! ha.

I am getting ready to write the next installment of Choices. David is going to obdience school. Not for him, for Charlie. He has to go alone tonight though.

Charlie will be eight mos on the seventh! I saw the vet in town today and asked how long he was going to be chewing. He said, seven or eight years. Then he said he was kidding. Ha very funny.

How was open house????

Anonymous said...

Thanks for that fabulous clearance sale Phoebe!

Och... Open House. Always a wonderful experience, especially when you are the parent of an 8th Grader! We made it through the 40 minute experience without me doing anything too embarrassing. I even gussied up to go! Brushed my teeth, put on lipstick, and combed my hair! Cheyenne managed to walk only 3 paces behind me, quite an improvement from the 10 paces behind me last year. Got a giggle out of her when I said, "Hi Mr. Werner, I'm Chey's Mom, and he responded with a laugh "Hi Chey's Mom!" I was introduced to only ONE friend, although we did see ALL of her friends. That’s okay, I did get to put names and faces together, and they appear to be really nice kids. Hooray!

This year the teachers put portfolios of work together for parents to review. I had an opportunity to see how she has improved her writing skills, learned that science is way over my head, and found that she has learned more Spanish in 1 year than I did in 3!

I heard a heavy sigh, and saw a huge smile on our 10 mile (yes I'm exaggerating) trek back to the car. She’d lived through another evening with her mother, and her mother had actually behaved! What a relief!

All in all, I think WE had a grand time.

Next year there’ll be one minor change tho, I’m going to wear my 4" heels. I was the shortest one there!

Jana aka mizzduh

Anonymous said...

Hi! Saw you on Rosie. I've been to California twice and every time it was clear blue skies. So it's hard to believe that it rains there! I want to go back with my husband soon!

Phoebe said...

When I lived in Toronto, I'd watch the US news from Buffalo. One station had their weatherman do the forecast outside all year round. The poor guy had to stand there in blizzards to tell the world how much snow they were going to have. Sometimes you couldn't see him for all the snow!

Phoebe said...

As for the weather instruments, glad you enjoy them. I've got lots more things on clearance!