Saturday, April 22, 2006

Mishmash & A Recipe

I can smell cigarette smoke watfting up through the open door to the deck. I haven't spent as much time on the deck since I quit smoking NINE WEEKS ago today. I think when it warms up I will resume my habit of typing and doing most everything out on the deck. Since I am no longer smoking, I do not have to endure the cold cloudy days with two or three layers on. Instead, I am at the kitchen table a mere few feet away, but with a glass door barrier.

Back to the smell of smoke. It never occurred to me all that time that my smoke, at least sometimes, was coming in the house or into a neighbor's house. I do not like the smell either. I am not Turning into a righteous ex-smoker that I detest so much. I simply do not like the smell, any more than I would if it were on a pillowcase. I do however like the initial lighting of a cigarette. I smelled that the other day in a parking lot and it smelled so good. I suppose it always will.

We had a power failure this morning. A pretty lengthy one too. It shut off the TV that has been on for weeks. The plasma TV that has a bad switch which can probably be fixed for a mere $700. My handyman said he couldn't do it. After much research he decided that it would be a nightmare to go through five layers of circuit boards and declined to do it. I can't blame him. I am not looking forward to hooking up a completely new TV with the wires changed, with Tivo, the cable box, the DVD player and the theater system! Cripes, what a freaking nightmare this will be without a smoke! UGH Why is it that the wires cannot be universal and easy to understand. One simple S-cable and you are good to go. If only it worked that way. Each set up is different. If and when we get a new TV, it could take me days to get the wiring done, but I will get it done!

Katharine is due home from NYC tonight. They are all tired and will need a day off before school begins again on Monday. She did have a blast though. They left their hotel in the morning, breakfast at eight. Home by midnight most nights. I am happy she is coming home.

Zoe has been cleaning her room for days. We went to The Container Store the other day and got her some very cool stuff. Her room looks great and she worked very hard to get it that way. Still has the closet to do. Bins and bins of toys and dolls that she no longer wants or needs. She has already managed to get a lot of stuff out of her room and it has so much more space. My input was very minimal. Moved a bit of furniture, swept and made a few suggestions. This was Zoe's way of spending a few days of her Spring Break. I am very proud of her and all she got accomplished! We all know how fun it is to clean and change things around. It makes us want to spend more time in our rooms. At least initially.


1lb salmon
1/4 c soy sauce
1 tsp garlic salt
1 tsp ground cumin

Wash and place salmon in microwave safe dish
Mix soy sauce, garlic salt and cumin in small bowl
Pour mixture onto salmon. Let sit 5 min and turn over
Cover with cellophane (or a lid) and nuke for about 6 minutes

Remove from dish. Put on a plate, toss marinade.
Serve with rice and a veggie.

You may think you will not like this microwaved fish.
I bet you will though, just give it a try. It is fast and
delicious, I promise!

FYI, this recipe is for making fajitas. I use it on EVERYTHING!
Fish, chicken, meat, this marinade is very good. I usually nuke
fish, but this can be used for grilling or cooking in a pan.


sttropezbutler said...

I so understand about the smoke..and what gets odder the longer you go is how often you become aware of smoke...but yes indeed that smell when first stays with you.

Have a great weekend!


I don't have a microwave. Imagine!

Dr. Deb said...

9 weeks, wow, that's great. It's such a hard habit to break free from. Keep up the good work.


Taradharma said...

well, I'll bite! (tee hee)

i read your comments on Alan's blog...I've got a good salmon recipe at my blog, with tequila! Ole!

Heidi said...

Congrats Nancy..9 weeks and counting. :)

I never nuked fish in the micro..I hate fish but Salmon I can tolerate..Thanx for the recipe/marinade.

for_the_lonely said...

Congrats to you on 9 weeks and no smoke! That is a wonderful accomplishment!

It sounds like Katherine had a fun time in NYC..can't wait to hear the stories!

And Zoe...good for her for straiting her room! Amazing how many things you can get rid of and organize when you are bitten by the cleaning bug! LOL

I hope that you have a great Monday!


alan said...

So proud of you for quitting!

It's been a very long time for me, and I still salivate when someone lights a Marlboro...

I'll be trying that marinade at some point, though I'm only getting to cook every other weeekend now because of all the overtime.

So sorry about the a certain point you can't make it any worse; that's how I ended up working on a lot of things over the years, lol!
