Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Day Eighteen

Today is day eighteen. Eighteen days since I have had a cigarette. A nasty habit that I have hidden from several people over the years. My family knew and my friends as well. I didn't smoke in front of a lot of the girl's friends or their mothers though. I was embarrassed and didn't want to embarrass my girls either.

I quit years ago, back in the early eighties. It wasn't cool to smoke anymore and I just quit. Cold turkey. Before patches. I didn't smoke for many years and one day my best friend and I went to the bar where we worked. I had the key and the owner/friend was out of town. My friend and I went in and locked the door. We turned on all the TVs and music and had ourselves a day at the bar. It was an official holiday and the bar was closed, but not to my friend and me. She smoked and I started again that day. I am not the type who can have just one or smoke for the day and then stop the next.

A couple of years later, I quit. I got pregnant. My girls are sixteen months apart and I didn't smoke during the pregnancies or nursing either girl for thirteen months each. Then I began again. I never smoked in the house. I always went outside to smoke.

I did the same thing here. Always out on the deck with my computer and smokes. I haven't been out on my deck much in the last eighteen days. I have been out there maybe three times for a little while at a time, trying to break the habit that I needed a smoke in the ashtray as I typed.

My friend quit more than four months ago and we have been a support system for each other. Plus the websites that tell the benefits of not smoking and how things change from 8 hours after the last cigarette to years after. It has been surprisingly helpful. My friend has been too. She knew I was getting myself in quitting mode and she didn't preach. She knew it would only work when I was ready.

It has been a very difficult thing to do. I don't think I will ever smoke again. I am feeling better and having less cravings every day. I still want to smoke a cigarette at times, however, I can feel that I am done and that I don't want to start over after making it for a whopping eighteen days. I am proud of myself for finally quitting. Hopefully for life.


Grumpy Old Man said...
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Grumpy Old Man said...

So, can we sell the hookah on eBay?

Seriously, we are all proud of you. We know it ain't easy.

alan said...

The hardest thing I've ever done in my life was quit smoking, and I had patches to help. It's coming up on 15 years I think (every year my Dr. reminds me when I have my annual).

I can't imagine doing it the hard way like you are; you have a will power that is amazing, and I am so proud of you and your girlfriend!

Someday your grandkids will thank you!


Heidi said...

{{{{{{{{ Nancy}}}}}}}}}}} Big Hugs...Congrats! I am so proud of you. :) Goodluck with another 18 and beyond.

A Flowered Purse said...

congrats nancy!! Praying you continue to do well!!

zbjernak said...

was it pure coincidence?

i was blogging about smoking too
and here you are telling me you did smoke?

hmmm... eheheh
but keep up the good job Nancy...
you can do it...
Nancy Nancy Nancy

Just Jan said...

Contratulations!! I know it's hard but your health and the health of those around you make it do-able. This summer will be 10 years for me. Can't believe I used to smoke those nasty smelling things.

Unknown said...

YAY! That's so great! I work at a drug treatment center and we have smoking cessation classess and stuff, i'm glad that u mentioned the websites that went through the changes your body makes after only a little bit. We give out a pamphlet on that and it's nice to know it makes a difference :) WAY TO GO! *high five*!

BonnyT said...

GREAT job, IS the hardest thing in the world to do, you're right...

Keep up the awesome work...

Karen said...

bravo Nancy :)
you rock !
a whole bunch of hugs,

for_the_lonely said...

Man, I tried to post on here last night, and the word confirmation thingy was giving me a hard

CONGRATS on quitting, Nancy!!! I am very proud of you! We are both on a difficult journey in our lives, but I know that we can make it to the end of the road! :) Keep up the great work!!!

Love you bunches,

author said...

congrats !!
I need to quit too.
Just not there yet.
I am proud of you !!!!