Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Rain, It really rained!

We were down about five inches from our normal rainfall amount. That was cut in half yesterday. We actually had more than two inches here. I had the pleasure of driving into the spring storm for several hours and then driving out of the storm as it made its way down here to our area.

We drove to the valley, north of LA. Yes, that valley. Gag with me a spoon, valley girl speak valley. I like it up there. Even with all the rain, it was a nice day. Driving back home through Laguna Canyon was so pretty and green and it will be for a few more months.

It took us more than two hours to get up the manager's office. Watching cars go in and out of the car pool lane, illegally crossing the double yellow lines and not waiting until they got to the legal entrances. Even on a dry day, this is a dangerous practice. It is not expected and may cause accidents. Although it should be expected because it happens so often. I saw a Prius cross the lines into the carpool lane and thought, well they are driving a hybrid, perhaps they are above the law cuz they cause less pollution. That sounded a bit nasty didn't it? Sorry. I just think rules make things safer on the road and people should follow them. Slow down in the rain! Don't cross the lines that are there for a reason. Keep the blow up dolls for other uses and not in your back seat so you can use the car pool lane. Those kind of rules....

I also came to the conclusion that some people just know we will not hit them while cutting us off. We may want to and on a bad day, road rage could rear its ugly head, but for the most part, we slam on the brakes, let the person in and call them a bad name. Well, I do!

Happy hump day.....


A Flowered Purse said...

I am rained out, seems thats all it does here!
Driving sounds scary with all those crazys! Glad you are safe!!
Hope you had a good hump day

for_the_lonely said...

Wow, I think that we're all receiving rain! We're expecting some tonight and then on and off until Monday! I am glad that you all received some much needed rain!

The trip to the " like, oh my gawd" valley ( LOL) sounds like it was a dangerous drive from the get go...glad you are safe! :)

Love you,

zbjernak said...

oh course...
unless we r driving a monster truck

then we will not slam on the brake...
we will ramp them over with our kick-ass monster truck

Playground In My Mind said...

I used to love it in California when it rained. It literally washed the sky. The smell of fresh rain and seasalt are in my top ten favorites;) Renee

Unknown said...

we had a friend that moved here from cali who had NO clue how to work the carpool lane u can enter and exit whenever you please...she about had a heart attack when i went in it one time hehehe...she's all "THE LINE THE LINE!"


Anonymous said...

Really a tough time.
Nicely told....
Just makes me remember destruction caused by excessive Snow last winter in place where i live...