I thought it could be a couple of days before I posted again. Well, here I am again tonight. Who knew?
So, in the spirit of Thanksgiving, here goes. I am thankful for:
I am thankful for the funny family I have. Seriously, all witty and funny. Always cracking up. Tonight Zoe said something and Katharine asked, "Why do we always have to be so funny?" The answer is that it is the way we are. We love to laugh. We are funny, at least to each other. There is not much better than family who loves to laugh together! I am overwhelmed by the blessings of this fact!
I am thankful for our health. It has been a trying year, health wise. David had bladder cancer, it did not spread, and I am unbelievably thankful for that.
I had/have cysts in my ovaries, but they seem to be going away on their own. I had the CA125 test for cancer and waited for the results, not too patiently. It turned out okay though. It just happened the same time as David's cancer.
I am so thankful that the girls are healthy. David and I are cancer free too. And, the dog and cat seem to be thriving!
I am thankful for the fact that the girls are so smart! Pulling straight A's and above, since the beginning of their school career. Especially now, since there is no way in hell I could do the math they do!
Thankful that Katharine may be on the road to a wonderful acting career. My hair stylist, friend, said she saw it when she was two. A mother needs to hear those kind of comments. I have heard them from other people with her plays. It is not just I, who think she is exceptionally gifted, not to mention, beautiful. It will be my job to keep her grounded. My friends say that I will do it. One said she can see me slapping her in the face and telling her to snap out of it. Like Cher in Moonstruck. I laughed, because I would never hit her, but my words can do the same thing. Not to hurt her, but to bring her back to what really matters in life. To be good, to be giving, to be nice. Period.
Thankful for the fact that I can drive Katharine to her auditions, etc., and feel like I am contributing something.
Thankful for Zoe. She is so amazingly smart! She just learned the fifty countries of Africa. I knew some of them, but not their locations. She has a test tomorrow. We copied several maps and she filled in the names. We practiced a couple of times, but she knows every single country and where they are located. Hence, I too, learned a lot! I cannot even tell you how impressed I am. David took the quiz. He took the same map and listed what he knew. He had some wrong. That doesn't happen very often. I am so proud of her! She is so smart. So much smarter than I am. I am so blessed to have this child who is so smart that she needs no help from me. Except when she wants to study. I am so thankful that she enjoys cramming with me. She loves it. Not too many teens who do. How did I get her?
I am thankful for my wonderful friends. I have some great friends. They tell me what I need to hear. They don't hold back, any more than I would. We have been in Laguna for eight years. I have made some awesome friends. I also brought some with me. Friends who are just there. I am so lucky. Even friends who have moved away, are still very close to my heart. We talk and we pick up where we left off. I am so thankful to have these women in my life.
I am very thankful for my blog friends. And there are some who are just above and beyond. The sweetest people in the world. I am totally addicted to seeing what is going on in your lives every day! Thank you for being the best. No weirdos coming out of the woodwork, just really terrific people. Men and women. But, especially to the women.
I am so thankful this Thanksgiving. I am so happy we will be with my cuzbro and his wife, like the sister I never had. They are the best, most down to earth people on the planet. I adore them. We will be spending our day with them. It is the first time in many years that we will be spending it with other's than just the four of us.
I am thankful for the overnight visits with my parents when they moved three hours north of us. We made arrangements that we would all meet up there the day after Thanksgiving. Gone, the guilt of not being with everybody. We simply met the day after. Two of my brothers and their families. We would spend the night. We went to the park, we played poker at night, we borrowed a corkscrew the first year from a neighbor! We had a blast together. Very memorable moments in our lives and the lives of our little ones. Even though we all lived in OC, we didn't see each other very often. We did for a few years, after my parents moved to Bakersfield. It is even more special now, looking back to when they were alive. They are missed.
Finally, I am just thankful for the family that I have. I am so lucky to have a wonderful husband, two great girls. We have a fun time together. Sometimes it is like a classroom, learning what David knows, some of it anyway. But, the best part is that we genially love and like each other, and we laugh, all the time.
Happy Thanksgiving to all my blog friends. You are all the best. Truly. Not many family members read this blog, as far as I know, but, Happy Thanksgiving to everybody. Enjoy the gift of your loved ones, your family, it all goes by so quickly. Please think each minute, how wonderful things are right now. Take it to heart. You will be so happy that you did, years from now.