Saturday, November 19, 2005

Studio City

We went to Studio City today. About 65 miles north of us. Just north of downtown LA. We had a meeting with a theatrical manager. She had seen Katharine in the Sound of Music and was "interested" in her. We set up a meeting for this morning at 10:00. We left home at 8:00 to get there in time. Traffic is usually a nightmare in LA, and in OC as well. We got there 45 minutes early. We drove around for a bit. Checking out the neighborhood. We went past the restaurant where Robert Blake's wife was shot. Interesting timing on that one. I pointed out the crime scene as we passed. I pulled over and called the manager and told her we got there early. She told us she was cleaning the office and to come on in. I explained to the girls that when you drive that distance and you are early, in some cases it is okay to call and go in early. Not like going to a party and being an hour early when the hostess is still getting dressed. So, the manager was in shorts and a sweatshirt. It was perfectly fine!

The meeting went well. We have had many things to think about if we do this. Katharine wants to do this. She has wanted to act for a long time. But, I waited til she told me that she wanted to audition for her first play. She has done plays now and loves the whole process. She loves rehearsals as well. She is taking this very seriously. Which is why we even agreed to meet the manager.

One big factor, will be driving up to LA with perhaps a days notice, for auditions. There are acting classes for six weeks on the weekends. It is a big commitment on the part of our family as well as for Katharine. So, we have not made a final decision yet, but we are leaning in the direction of going for it.

The manager has some impressive clients and former clients as well. She is a casting director as well. We liked her very much. She just got back from the premiere of Walk the Line in NYC. She has a client in the movie, which she says is excellent. I have read that as well. I loved Johnny Cash, so we will be seeing this one at a movie theater!

I have to give Zoe a lot of credit. She sat there and listened as we talked about Katharine and took it all in stride. It is a hard thing to do, talking about one child when the other is there. I wanted to say a couple of times that Zoe is smart, funny and beautiful too. But, it was all about Katharine during the meeting. Zoe wants to be a psychologist and I told her it will be good for her to be able to tell us what is wrong with us. She said she didn't need a degree for that!

After the meeting we went to Phillipe's in LA for sandwiches. It has been there sine 1908. Always the same. Never disappoints. Then back on the freeway headed for home. We made pretty good time too.

Tonight we are going to the opening night gala for a play called Many Happy Returns. It is supposed to be very funny. I am looking forward to funny! And a date with the hub.

I think tomorrow hub will be taking the girls to see Harry Potter. I am the only person in America who missed the last movie, so I need to catch up. I have it on order from Netflix, with a short wait. I have read the books though. But, I will watch the movies in order. I hear this new one is very good.

I have almost finished all the girl scout nut stuff. I would be done, except for one person who is playing a game of "try to get the receipts from me." I am not in a playful mood about this. I should have had the all the paperwork by Thursday. This woman is very well aware of it too. Every other person abided by the rules, except her. She did this job a couple of years ago, so she should know better. I will try to get the receipt tomorrow, so I can take all the paperwork up to the GS Council on Monday, which is close to my hair stylist's salon. I have an appointment and it was booked weeks ago. I cannot wait to get a new color!

Update: The play was so funny. It was an Irish family who had an old friend coming back to town. Now a rich New Zealander with several markets, they try to impress him. He tries to impress them. It was very funny and we laughed our heads off.


for_the_lonely said...

It sounds like Katherine had a great meeting with the agent! That is wonderful!!! Good for Zoe for being a great are so blessed to have two wonderful girls!

I have not read or seen any of the Harry Potter movies...I hope that you enjoy the Netflix rental and can get to the movie theaters to watch the latest one. My sisters are excited about it!

Enjoy your evening, and take care!


Just Jan said...

That's awesome news about Katherine!! I hope she goes for it and does a spectacular job in whatever play she gets. Do keep us posted on this.

I'm still trying to catch up on my blog reading after being gone last week and now back to my crazy work schedule.

I've never read or seen any of the Harry Potter stories. Hope you had a great evening.

Cathy said...

How exciting! Your daughter is beautiful and it sounds like she will have fun with this experience! Good luck.

Heidi said...

What exciting news this is..Congrats to Katherine and a ^5 to Zoe :)

SassyFemme said...

What an exciting time for Katherine! Love the "mad face" picture. I loved reading the Harry Potter books, but never got into the movies.

Dr. Deb said...

This is really impressive. I have a few friends who are agents and "inviting" a potential client is a big thing. Good luck with it.


zbjernak said...

doesnt tht 2 pictures... looks gorgeous...

celebrity, star quality can be seen on every angle

Puffer said...

Good luck to your daughter
I enjoyed reading ur blog this am
I am glad it was a good process
for all of you.

Cindy said...

I love Netflix! Have you seen Crash yet? If not, it's a must see.
This Harry Potter was good, at least what I saw of it. We got tickets to go back, but I wasn't up to sitting for that long again.

I hope things go well for Kath, I think it's a great opportunity!

Karen said...

it sounds like you have a star in the making ! so glad that she has this opportunity and that it seems like she really loves it so much. lots of luck with everything. you are a good Mom to your girls. take care.
(I am getting caught up this morning on blogs and will finish commenting on your other posts tonight after work)til then, bye !