Friday, November 04, 2005

This is What I Have Been Doing!

It has been an insane week. Girl Scout Nuts. It is going well. Our number for fall product sales are up 89% over last year. My first year as Service Unit Nut Manager. I have spent countless nights with my calculator and computer to make sure this sale has been a good one. When I first started, I asked a friend, "Why did I do this? Why didn't you kick me?" She laughed and said, " I thought it was very generous of you!" As the weeks went on, I began to enjoy the challenge of the whole thing. Getting the troops to turn paperwork and other things in on time. Sending out endless emails to keep everybody in the loop. Following through on questions asked to me and for answers to questions I had asked. Doing the financial stuff, which I love. The hub told me one night, "You have spent so much time on this. Are you going to do it again?" I answered, "Uh, yeah, I think I am!" Crazy? Perhaps and most likely, but I have enjoyed it, much to my surprise.

This afternoon we had our troop booth sale. Used to be easy with only one troop to manage. Still is really, just time consuming. I sent out emails to tell the mothers that I would have their daughter's orders all ready for them to pick up at our booth sale today and asked that they all pay today as well. No chasing anybody down. It went beautifully. I had all the orders in paper bags, with the quantities on them and the amounts due. I stapled them all shut, so none would fall out or get with the booth sale products. We got all the money from our girls and we sold 80 cans of nuts at our three hour booth sale in front of a local Supermarket. We have 4 left. Only $20. So, we are basically done! One day. We were going to end after two hours, and it was mentioned that we have another booth sale to sell more than 25 cans left. Nope, I said, "I think we should stay another hour and get this done." Six of our eight girls stayed. We did it. We do not have to schedule another booth sale, and we have all of our money to put in the bank. Today was the first day of the sale, and we are done! I am sooo happy! Our troop leader called me almost the minute I got home and told me she was thrilled! I told her I was too. The plan was to do it all in one day and we did it. We ordered the right amount of product, which we have to guesstimate, and pay for, no returns. It was a good night.

All the energy of eight twelve year olds, singing and laughing, selling and talking, nonstop for three hours was exhausting, but, oh so worth it! What a terrific group of girls. And moms.

Since we sold at the grocery store, mothers shopped while waiting for their girls. It was fun to hang out with everybody and chat. Mothers who were going to drop off and leave, stayed. I had intended on doing my shopping as well. When it was almost over, one of the mothers told me to go in and do my shopping. I had stayed with the girls along with our leader, and we had two tables, one at each door. So, this was a nice surprise for me! It reminded me of a game show, because I hurried thru the store and tossed things into the cart. I came out and loaded the car and we were off.

During the sale the girls went in to get snacks. Katharine was inside at one point and a mother of a little girl who was in the Sound of Music with Katharine, stopped her. The girl has done voice overs and has been on a soap opera, among other things. But, the mother said told Katharine that the girl's manager had asked who Katharine was after seeing her in the play. She gave Katharine her number and I am going to call her tomorrow. Apparently, this manager is the real deal. He takes on clients who look different than each other so if there is a call for a little blond girl, he calls her. If there is a call for a petite, dark haired girl, he would say, call Katharine! She is so excited. I am of a different mind on this. I want her to do drama with the great teacher the middle school and high school have. Plus, she has only done three plays. I also, do not want her doing calls with a thousand other girls. But, I will make the call. If it is meant to be her "big break" then who am I to stand in her way? So, we shall see.

I have more news, I will share in my next post! Not nearly as boring as the GS stuff! Just life and how sometimes things are right in front of me, and I forget to relax and enjoy them.

BTW, the hub sent me flowers yesterday. Very sweet and completely unexpected. He said, "Because I love you and life is too short." How cool is that?


for_the_lonely said...

Aw...the last part about David sending you flowers totally choked me up. Jenn has done that for me before too...totally unexpected flower sweet! :)

Congrats to you with the nut sale! How awesome is that? And for Katherine to have a big wig manager interested in her is super cool!

Congrats again and hugs to you!

Love ya,

zbjernak said...

tht is so lovely