Zoe said...
You are a great writer mommy, that's where we get it from. I didn't inherit your good memory though. I got your sense of humor, kindness, and so much more. I'm not sure where I got the reading from.
When I came upstairs on my birthday morning, daddy's lips were all blubbery, he had just read your post. You made daddy cry! Not that that's hard, I've done it several times myself. But way to go. Thank you very much for the post, it's one of the best presents I could have gotten.
I'm still working on your poem. When I read your explanations of my Katharine torment I laughed all over again. If we were still little, I'd do it all over again.
And of course I'll be good to mommy, she deserves the best. Thank you very much for the birthday wishes.
Mommy, I love you so much. Thank you for the post, it's things like this that I love more than anything you could buy me. Just knowing you're thinking about me and feeling your love is better than anything else you can give me. Thank you very much,
Sincerity and love,
Zoe commented to me and thanked you all for her birthday wishes.
How terrific is this fourteen year old? How lucky am I to be her mother? Very!
Just wanted to share. I am so proud of her.
Next birthday....MINE...UGH....I will have to change my profile to age 46!
What a sweetheart! How blessed you are to have such a lovely family!
Love you,
you truely have a wonderful and thoughtful 14 yr old there...you are blessed.
I'll be updating my profile in January to 45...just remember that age is but a number.
Wow..those are BEAUTIFUL flowers! I don't think that I have ever received a boquet as pretty as that! LOL
What good interlocutors :)
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