Monday, September 12, 2005

Crazy parent drivers, etc.

I swear I take my life in my hands every time I drop off or pick up the girls from school. These parents are crazy! They are in a hurry to get to work, or maybe back home to their beds. I don't know, but they need to slow down. It is bad enough when everybody gets to school around the same time, and the traffic is bumper to bumper. But along comes somebody who thinks their time is more important and they zoom past the traffic on the wrong side of the road and almost hit three kids in the crosswalk! I am amazed by the lack of consideration and safety. Safety most importantly. Put down the damn cell phone and watch what you are doing people.

While picking up Katharine, I wait up the street until she can get to me. Thankfully, she doesn't have to cross the street. The school actually put a sign in the parking lot telling parents not to use cell phones while driving in the school. This seems like a no brainer to me. The line of cars waiting to pick up is amazing and then somebody who doesn't want to be too far up the hill, starts a new line by double parking next to the first car and the craziness begins when everybody tries to pull out at the same time. The bus is probably a good thing, but it costs a fortune and the schools are very nearby, just too far to walk.

Anyhow, I don't know why it surprises me, I watched it for years while the girls were going to the elementary school at the end of the street. But people need to slow down, not apply makeup and stop using their cells while driving. Especially when kids can jump out from behind a parked car at any moment.

In other news.....
There is a black out in LA. My cousin just called from the 48th floor and told me about it. She is hoping the electricity comes back on soon because it is hot up there with no air! And she will have to walk down 48 flights of stairs, which takes twenty minutes she says...I looked at the local news sites and they say there were two power surges. No news about the black out beyond that. I hope it is back on soon. The traffic is a nightmare as you could imagine.

My back is better. Not completely, but is improving. I am very grateful for this because I am tired of being in pain and just feeling like crap. I hope within the next couple of days, all the pain will be gone for good. It usually ends the way it starts, which is out of nowhere, or at least it seems that way. But, seeing improvement has been a blessing!

And finally....

Mike Brown just resigned from FEMA...I am happy to hear that. The man has to have nightmares about his response to Katrina victims. If he has a conscious.


Heidi said...

I'm glad your feeling better Nancy..I just heard about the power outage..I can just imagine how awful the drive anywhere must be.

Hope it comes back on soon.

zbjernak said...

true true true...
i wouldnt want to get stuck in traffic jam during school rush hour....

using cell phones while driving is illegal in malaysia...and you will be fine up to US$80 when "get caught"

Cindy said...

Mike Brown had to think about it over the weekend, he didn't have a clue that he was expected to step down. Kind of makes you wonder if he has a brain at all.

Just Jan said...

glad to see you are feeling better.

you already know my view point on cell phones and driving!!!

Parents are the worse when it comes to saftey in a school zone....makes you wonder.

for_the_lonely said...

I heard about that power outage..due to a worker cutting/connecting the wrong line! Not good!!! Glad the power is back on!

I used to drive my sister to school; it amazed me how people would FLY through the school zones...I was sure it was just a matter of time before some little kid got hurt!

I am glad that your back is starting to feel better !I hope that those meds are working! How's hubby feeling?

Love you,

BonnyT said...

I actually avoid the two streets around the 2 schoold near my house at about 8:55am and's mayhem...

I rememeber I was a little concerned that our daughter will have to bussed to the next town to go to school when she is finally old enough once we move...but I think I prefer that over the dealing with the mayhem everyday...

A Flowered Purse said...

OMG I so know about the moms and the picking up or dropping off from school, they are CRAZY sometimes you wonder if thy know there are children in close proximity!
Glad your back is feeling better, I Hope it continues to improve
Hugs have a great week and a wonderful day

Karen said...

I watched a guy almost drive up the sidewalk trying to make a u turn while chatting on the phone yesterday ! I about screamed at him--instead I gave him a shocked, pissed off look that said it all.

glad your back is doing better :)


Jaded said...

I hope he has nightmares... he deserves them.

Glad your back is getting better. I blew out my knee on saturday. UGH! I was almost finally healed and out of pain from tearing my MCL and meniscus almost a year ago, and I slipped getting out of the shower. grrr

Mr. Jaded has drop-off duty, which is crazy with the cars. There aren't enough parking spaces in the lot, so you end up having to create your own. I have pick-up duty, which is fine because the pre-school is only from 8:35-11:25, so there are only like 5 kids being dismissed at that time, lol.

Anne said...

so many people do not know the basic rules of the road. very sad, and selfish. hope you continue to mend.

Jan said...

Where did common courtesy go????
It amazes me to watch people put the lives of children at risk with their crazy hurried idiots.
Glad you back is feeling better.
Thanks for your reply on my blog.