Unfortunately, the sky was not a good color to get a great shot of the double rainbow, but here is one photo.
It was a very long day! My doctor's nurse practioner saw me. She said I need to get an ultra sound and see my gyn. And she said that I need to see my orthopod for my back. She says I do have two problems, not just one. My cyst and my back. Two separate sources of pain!
I wondered why I went there in the first place but she insisted it was the best thing to do.
I called my gyn, they cannot see me until the 30th! I told the woman on the phone that I had acute pain and she still insisted that I can be seen on the 30th.
I got ahold of a doctor friend and she told me what a mill my gyn runs. How she is out of town and still gets booked solid and everybody gets to see the nurse practioner. She has told me this before. She told me to call today and tell them, my husband is an attorney, I am have acute pain caused by a ovarian cyst and they are refusing to see me for ten days? Then she told me to go to another ER and have them call her and if she is not on, somebody in her call group should be. Then if nobody shows up, she is in big trouble with the head doctor at hospital, because by law, she has to have a back up doctor for her patients who end up in the ER....I decided I would stay out of that cat fight!
So, I have to schedule the ultra sound, and make an appointment with the orthopod. My friend did say if the cyst doesn't go away this month, that it probably will next month.
I do feel better, I actually got up a few times yesterday in my travels, and didn't think about standing up. I got to the point where I would get up slowly and hunched over and then I would stand erect. So, this could be a sign that I am finally healing.
I went to the hospital and ran around collecting labs and films. I had to pay $15 for my labs. The woman told me that they could fax them for free, but she didn't know how long that would take and I was headed to my doctor's office.
The report said that when I left the ER, I no longer had pain in my abdomen. It also said I only had back pain when I moved! Duh!
So the saga continues. I am stressed about all this medical stuff. Have I mentioned I don't like doctors? Only friend doctors.....

This one has more colors, the way it should be!
That is so not right that they won't see you before the 30th!! I hope you are okay and managing the pain okay till then. Doctor's can be such asses.
I love the rainbows. HOw cool to have 2 at once.
What beautiful pictures!!!
I am sorry to hear about your pain and headache with all of the trouble! I really do hope that you get to feeling better soon! Hugs to you!
hope tht everything is alright..
at times...those admin people in clinic and hospital can be quite a nuisance...
take care...
and do u managed to find the pot of gold?
Gorgeous pictures!
Hideous doctor!! Find a new one, seriously. And yep, often the cysts that form during ovulation do disappear from one month to the next, but they can also rupture and cause even more severe pain. If it's symptomatic now, there is the potential for infection or for it to be growing. If either is the case, the chances of it rupturing are even greater. I say this with the "been there done that" sort of knowledge that tells me that you so do NOT want to go though the pain of a ruptured ovarian cyst. The only pain that I've ever had that was worse was kidney stones, but only slightly more. I don't say this to scare you, just to let you know NOT to wait too long.
I used to feel like all doctors just plain old suck. Then I realized that I didn't need to put up with their crap, and found some new doctors...new primary, new gyn, new GI doc, new cardiologist... and the difference is night and day. Every doc I have now is caring, concerned, really connected in the exam room, like I matter as a patient. They see you within 24 hours if there is a problem. And your friend is obviously right... you just called your doctor after a trip to the ER AND a trip to your primary, and she still won't see you in a reasonable amount of time. Illegal. I know you don't want to get involved with that headache, however, your health shouldn't wait. Just my opinion.
That rainbow is beautiful!!!!
Sorry they won't see you, have you asked them if someone cancels maybe you can take their spot? I know at the place my sister works they have someone cancel every day.
Hugs and wishing you much luck!
Have a great weekend
Wow, those were great. I've never seen a DOUBLE. So special!
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