Thursday, September 15, 2005

School DaZe

You know, when I was in school we went from morning
Til afternoon. Period.
These kids do zero period or a seventh period and
That seems normal.
But the Block Days and Minimum Days put me in a DaZe!
Zoe had minimum day yesterday.
That, I have gotten used to thru all the previous years.
Although, her minimum day ends an hour before Katharine's.
But now she has block days. Thursday and Friday.
Every week. Thursday is for kids or parents who want
To talk to the teacher. They set up appointments on
Thursday between 7:30 and 8:30. Friday uses that
Same hour for staff meetings with the teachers.
So, she goes to school at 8:30 and gets out at 2:16.
Instead of 2:30. And being there at 7:30.
Katharine has no zero period on Friday so she
has to be there at 8:30 instead of 7:30.
You getting all this? Neither am I.
I believe they do the timing this way for traffic
Reasons and teacher contract reasons as well.
All three schools are on the only two streets
Up and Down the hill. And traffic is a nightmare
When just one school lets out. I get that and
It makes sense. Getting used to the different
Times on any given day, will take getting used to.

I spent hours in Fall Product Service Unit
Manager class yesterday for Girl Scouts.
Class was okay, but I came home with even
More piles of paper to be distributed to the troops
And the prizes, oops, I mean incentives. I get to
Show these to the moms who are in charge of
Nut and magazine sales for their troop, who
I am supposed to have a meeting with by
TOMORROW...Like that is going to happen!

I spent hours reading and working on scheduling
this meeting. Then an email arrives with
Katharine's rehearsal schedule for the
Sound of Music. One document was when
Each scene was to be rehearsed. The other
Document was who was in what scene. I
Simply sent it to Katharine and told her to
Figure it out and give me a hard copy and
I would add it to my calendar. She complied
Nicely. I could not handle one more paper
Or schedule.

Today I need to arrange a time that will net
The most moms for my meeting. I need to
Get permission slips signed and Adult
Responsibility forms and I promise I am not
A child molester forms signed. They are to
Get all their girls to sign their permission
Slips by the beginning of the sale on the 24th.
I know I can do this, but it will be difficult!

So, yesterday was minimum day for Zoe on
Her Birthday. Thank you all for your birthday
Wishes for her! Hub had to pick her up at 11:30.
Cuz I was in the class. He took her to lunch then
to court with him, so she could see what he does.
Then he came home and picked up Katharine to
take her to get a gift for Zoe. Then back to the
Office for him.

I left the class and headed to the store for dinner
And cake. I walked into a Vons and they had a
Panda Express. I ordered dinner and a lunch for
Myself. All the while my back feeling like I could
collapse at any moment. First time in ten days
I had been anywhere but the ER. I digress. I was
Waiting for somebody to write Happy Bday on the
Cake. It took a while for the manager to find the
Lady who worked in that department. A few other
Items and I was on my way back home.

Last night was back to school night. Hub went.
I took Zoe down at 6:00 to sing in the chorus,
Which she loves. Zoe and hub got back after 8:00
And we had cake. Sang Happy Birthday to Zoe.
A very long day indeed. But a good one for Zoe.


Grumpy Old Man said...

I get this all, but why in verse?
Has life gone from bad to worse?
A mother's life is hard, I know it.
Does it turn you into a poet?

Many lawyers fancy themselves bards,
But there's no poet's future in my cards
Growing girls need clothes and food,
So I must toil, whate'er my mood.

Jaded said...

The Mall + my knee = pain cubed. UGH.

I don't know what I was thinking, or if I was thinking at all!! I'm so with you there with your back pain.

Yep, school schedules are crazy, even for pre-schoolers. The first 3 days were short days 8:35-10:05. The regular day is 8:30-11:25, unless there is an activity of some sort. The teacher sends a monthly calandar home with all the stuff on it, or I'd be in trouble. And today, she came home with a whole packet of stuff to sell as a fundraiser for the PTA. She's 3. And she can't talk. Just another thing for Mommy to do. Oh, and they're selling fall flowers like mums as well as pumpkins and corn. 3 year olds. Crazy.

Nancy said...

Just mixin it up GOM! Not a poet. Just a different writing style today, because, I simply felt like it!

Your Aunt Lucille sent me an email instead of commenting here. Apparently the word verification deters her.

But she said her kids were doing public transportation by nine, as were you I know. We walked or took the school bus. But, times have changed. The little bus that comes up the hill is okay for either to take if they had to!

A Flowered Purse said...

school schedules are nuts! My son goes into high school next year and I hear thats even worse.
Have a great week

Just Jan said...

can we just all say mass confusion now??
with the working single parents that are out there more now, that schedule has to be not only confusing, but difficult to meet.

zbjernak said...

tht is very confusing...and not systematic...but it is a good thing

unlike here in malaysia...

every single school(primary and secondary) throughout the country start at the same time and end at the same time...

and we have 2 sessions a one school

7.45 - 1.00
1.30 - 6.45

means 4 times traffic jam...
each session have abt 1000 students...

teachers for each session are are the students

so there u go..imagine

Jan said...

way to confusing for me...I am over 40 and just could not keep up with all those times and schedules.

Happy Belated Birthday Zoe!!

Dr. Deb said...


Something to be said about simpler times!!


Phoebe said...

I remember when Z and K were in the Montessori school. One day was gymnasics, one was ballet, one was swimming, etc. Each event required different outfits. Backpacks had to be prepared with all the appropriate gear. Too confusing for me as an adult. It's amazing that the kids could cope!

When I was in the 10th grade, I got a particularly weird schedule with classes first through fifth period, half a period for lunch and then--nothing. We weren't allowed to go home until after 7th period, and if, like me (a strapping 4' 11") you played volleyball, you had to hang around until classes were over after 8th period for practice. So nothing to do but go to study halls and get in trouble. My best friend Caroline and I were rescued by the Dean of Girls, the estimable Miss Ross, who allowed us to spend the afternoon in her office. We reorganized her collection of college catalogs, did clerical chores (and got to see everyone's test scores!), studied some and chatted quietly. Miss Ross just about saved my life.

One more memory--it was in Miss Ross's office on Nov. 22, 1963 that Don Kaplan came in and told us the president had been shot. We told him that that kind of joke was not very funny. We crept down to the Faculty Lounge (the smokiest place in the school!) and found out it was true.

Cindy said...

I don't know if I would ever be able to keep up with that stuff. Ant gets out an hour or two early about once a month on Fridays. Not a big deal, he rides the bus, they pick him up and cart him home afterwards.

As far as MAD and the tv promise goes, you know all hell will break loose if he messes up. I'm waiting to pounce.