Saturday, September 17, 2005

I'm "It"

Jaded tagged here goes:

7 things I plan to do before I die:

1. Raise my children.
2. See them become happy productive women.
3. Waste away to a size 8. Although 14 would be nice too.
4. Fish in as many lakes as I see.
5. Take a tour of the country in an RV.
6. Learn to love exercise.
7. Learn to play an instrument.

7 things I can do:

1. Knit.
2. Win at Backgammon, yahtzee, poker, etc.
3. Out fish most people I am with.
4. Garden.
5. Sew.
6. Mediate, when people argue.
7. Install cable, Tivo, DVD recorders and VCRs.

7 things I cannot do:

1. Speak another language. A bit of spanish.
2. Lift heavy things.
3. Tolerate stupidity
4. Handle a compliment without looking for an underlying reason.
5. Stand discrimination.
6. Draw or paint.
7. Keep my opinions to myself.

7 things that attract me to the opposite (or same) sex:
1. Hands
2. Arms
3. Intelligence.
4. Kindness.
5. Humor.
6. Smile.
7. Confidence.

7 things that I say most often:

1. Umm.
2. Zoe, empty the dishwashers.
3. Knock it off Charlie.
4. What is Charlie eating now?
5. I need to write a post.
6. Damn, I have to figure out dinner, again!
7. I love you.

7 celebrity crushes:

Ed Harris

Timothy Olyphant

Will Smith

Keiffer Sutherland

Johnny Depp

Russell Crowe

7 people I want to do this:

1. Any
2. One
3. Who
4. Hasn't
5. Done
6. This
7. Yet

The photos are a bit askew, but oh well! Happy Saturday!


Anne said...

yummy...tim o.!!
have a good weekend.
i am taking my son down to the bay area today, and seeing college girl on the way. even though he is 23, and has been here almost 3 month, i am dreading his absence big time. i love my kids... no matter how grown-up they are, i always like having them near me!!
wahhhhhh. (my lucy impression)

CrackerLilo said...

It's cool that you provided photo illustrations. :-)

Dr. Deb said...

Great post. Helps me get to know you better!


Heidi said...

Thanx for sharing Nancy..I'm jealous of " what u can do #7"..Even without GOM's help..Good for you. :)

Jaded said...

Johnny Depp :::big dreamy sigh:::

Knitting. I tried that once. It was not pretty. I can't do that counted cross stitch stuff either. I'm more of an instant gratification crafter. After working on something for several hours, I want it to either be done, or at the very least, to look something like the finished project might look soon. Otherwise, I get bored and quit. Sheesh.

Just Jan said...

intereseting....i'll give it some thought, then perhaps in a day or 2 i'll participate.

for_the_lonely said...

Thanks for sharing! I'll be posting this over on my blog too! :)

Love you,

A Flowered Purse said...

Thats a depressing tag!!!
I wanna live forever!
YAY on Johnny Depp I Love him!
Have a wonderful wonderful week

zbjernak said...

found tht lots of u girls dig johnny depp
