Monday, October 17, 2005

I hate Emergency Rooms! Updated Tuesday

I have not mentioned that my husband has bladder cancer. I suppose had, because he had surgery on Friday and removed the tumor. No incision either. So, he was feeling well enough to do some normal things by the next day. I am free to tell this story now, as he has blogged about it. Here is the story of today.

I just got home, again, from the ER. David was bleeding yesterday and called the doctor last night and they said, hmmm, you shouldn't be bleeding and to call the office in the morning. He did, and then went to court! He came home dripping in blood all over his clothes! I told him to shower and I was taking him to the ER. The doctor's office called and I told them I was taking him to Mission where he had the surgery. Stupid me thought it would be a good place to go, since he practices near there.

We got there and he was given an iv line only, they took blood. And he went to the lab this morning for blood work. Anyhow, then he was sent back to the waiting room with the umpteen other poor people. Not enough beds. Finally after an hour and a half, I went back to the on duty doctor and told him they still had not inserted a catheter nor had they taken him to the new ER section. We were told that they didn't do cathaters there on the side he was on. Flat out lie. We were called in within five minutes and they finally inserted the catheter about a half hour later. No pain meds at all. Then this very good and nice nurse started flushing out his bladder! YUCK. I could not believe all the blood. We never did make it to the new section of the remodeled ER.

David was having contractions like a woman having a baby. He was screaming and they were going to release him because his tube was clear. I told the doctor I was going to get the kids fed and come back. He told me we would be out of there in a few minutes. I waited a half hour and left. I called David from home when I was ready to go back and he was practically crying. I got back and heard him screaming from the waiting room. I went to the doctor on duty again and asked what was going on. He tells me that his job is triage and that I need to talk to the nurse. I find her and demand something for the pain. The on call doctor calls and tells David via my cell phone, that he is releasing him...I got on the phone with him and told him he was bleeding worse that ever. He said he was told the fluid was clear. I told him it was, four hours ago and nobody had been back to see him. I told him I would not take him home bleeding thru a tube and that I would not have him in pain and scaring the kids! He told me he would admit him and give him some pain meds. I went to the nurse, the good one was on dinner break. I asked where the pain meeds were and she said, I was just writing the order! I pleaded with her to get his medicine. I closed his door and tried to calm him down again. Finally a shot but nothing for the contractions. They were waiting for the pharmacy to dispense them. He finally got them and was taken upstairs. I left at 9:30.

I am furious that his doctor called ten minutes before I got home for dinner with the girls. He left a message and asked how David was doing and said he would see him at his appointment! He will be getting a phone call in the morning! Apparently his partner never told him he was in the ER...

What a day. The good news is that the pathology was good. No signs of spreading. We talked to one doctor who said that in the early nineties they did a study and found that dry cleaning agents were a big factor in bladder cancer. He asked David if he wears a lot of dry cleaned clothes. The answer is daily. Scary, but I know they changed chemicals a few years back due to the report.

What I think will happen tomorrow is that they will have to go back in cauterize the wound again. Nobody told him to go home and stay on his back! They told him to take it easy. He ran errands with me the day after surgery, then went to the play. And this morning he took a huge basket of laundry downstairs. The doctor said, no lifting and to stay on his back to let the wound heal...Now they tell him. Four days after surgery.

David called me about two hours after I left last night and he was feeling much better. They had taken very good care of him once he got to a room. And the on call doctor from his surgeon's office actually showed up and did his thing to help clean out his bladder. They were going to do it every three hours last night, so I am going to assume he didn't get to sleep too much. But he sounded so much better and said he felt better. And to top it off, they gave him ice cream. He told me not to rush over there this morning, and that he would call me when he knows something. As long as he feels better, I am not ripping off doctor's heads this morning. Although, I will be doing the surveys, and I will at least make one phone call to his doctor, who didn't know he was in the freaking ER for nine hours!

UPDATE Tuesday:
David's actual doctor came to see him today and told him if the fluid was not clear by tomorrow, they were going to go back to surgery and cauterize the wound. Either way, they plan on sending him home. He is feeling all beat up, as you can imagine. He is trying not to take the morphine any more, but is taking other meds for the spasms. I just talked to him on the phone and he was lucid and sounded very worn out. Hopefully they will fix him up tomorrow and he can come home pain free. The doctor did say he didn't think he overexerted himself by lifting anything or moving around too much. He said some people just develop clots and David was one of them. He told David that it was a shame since his outcome was so good and now he was in so much pain. I guess that statement is certainly true.

Thank you for all your well wishes for David. I appreciate it very much and I am sure he will too!


Carie said...

I am so so sorry this all happend...when I had my gaulbladder (sp) removed I had 4 insesions...but the doc just said for me to take it easy, that I could still do stuff and it wouldn't be a problem, so I did my errands, went shopping and all that then 4 days later I went to the Coast and rode Quads in the dunes (big old mistake) all my incesions opened up, I was a mess...the doc said I was supposed to stay in bed for 3 days and he was mad I had been up and goofing off...I know I over did it, but I wish he had told me to really really take it easy as in bed cause then I would have made other decissions...

I hope is ok soon, and that the hospital starts treating you both better and I hope you give his doctor a headache from hell :)

A Flowered Purse said...

OMG i am glad to read that he is home. How scary that mustve been for you and for him :(
My many prayers are with you.
I never ever knew about dry cleaned clothes, Good thing i never wear any.
Hope your husband is 100% healed today!
praying for you guys

maceydoo said...

Oh Nancy,
What a horrible ordeal for him to go through. It sounds very painful,
I hope he is feeling better soon

Karen said...

I am so sorry that your husband had to go through all of that !
how aweful !
I hope he is better soon.
take care,
hugs to all of you,

Cindy said...

I hope he's on the mend soon. I would be speaking to someone about the ER situation. I just don't understand how it could possibly take that long to administer pain meds. It's so hard to watch someone you love be in extreme pain. I hope today goes much better.

lightfeather said...

The ER is a horrible place to be. I know that and I feel so much of your pain and your husband's suffering. I wish I knew how to make the system better here, I really, really do. I am so sorry that the two of you have had to go through this.

You are both in my thoughts and my prayers.


Jaded said...

OMG I am SOOOO sorry that David had to go through all of that. I had a horrible kidney and bladder infection once that resulted in bladder spasms. Oh. My. GOD. The pain is unimaginable. My heart goes out to him...I wouldn't wish that pain on anyone. You're all in my prayers.

Dr. Deb said...

This is such a terrible story, and sadly, it is like so many other ER debacles. Our healthcare system is in need of great repair. I'd also like to have the detached people working there FEEL the discomfort that patients feel.


(No offense to those ER staffers who aren't detached)

for_the_lonely said...

what an unfortunate nightmare!!! Yikes!!! So glad that all is well now, and that he is feeling better. Funny how ice cream always makes you feel better! ;)

Love ya,

Heidi said...

Hugs to you both..I'm glad David is feeling better...It's so hard to see anyone who u care for in such discomfort.

Sending postive thoughts and prayers..Hope David continues to feel beter.

zbjernak said...

ouch... it surely hurts...
i m so sorry to hear abt david.. but at least now he is doing fine...

is very bad...when we are worrying about our relatives in the hospital and the best the staff there could do to by ignoring us....
we feel angry and sad but we couldnt do much...for we are still depending on them to take care and treat us...

sometime i think people like nurse and doctor.... they should be the best person on earth... if they cant take all the pressure and cant be good to everybody..then dont be a nurse, doctor... just be something else....

anyway... everything will only be cheers and hav a great day

send my regards to david..

Anonymous said...

Well shitodear...I really DID miss something! I am so sorry your husband (and you) have had to deal with all this. Surgery complications are NOT FUN! I'm grateful he seems to be feeling better. Good news indeed. Peace.

Just Jan said...

Oh Dear...I'm so sorry to be reading all this about your husband. I most defenately will be lifting him up in prayer.

What a thing to have to go through.

(btw..I had to move my blog..I can't post why and didn't have your email address to tell you..hope you come by again)