Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Living in a Resort Town

Top ten reasons NOT to live in a resort town.

10. Hard to find a gift that is not touristy....(How many shell chimes does one need?)
9. Have to go out of town to shop at Target and Costco....(Love all in one store shopping)
8. Anything you buy in town costs more....(Well, they have to pay the rent!)
7. Not a huge selection at the grocery stores....(Not enough space.)
6. Hard to find a better vacation spot....(Not that we'll get one this year)
5. Gas prices are way higher....(Because they can)
4. Galleries, galleries everywehre....(How do they make a living?)
3. Not enough fast food drive thrus....(Actually have to get out of the car!)
2. Traffic grid lock once tourist season hits....(Use side steets, but don't advertise them)
1. Everybody knows your name....(No secrets here)

Top ten reasons TO live in a resort town.

10. Tourists....(Who buy the touristy gifts, good for local economy)
9. Calling myself a local....(Reminds me how lucky I am)
8. The phone book is small....(No straining to lift it)
7. Nice weather, year round....(Even June gloom burns off)
6. Knowing alternate routes, anytime....(Or the local bus schedule)
5. Being referred to by name at local establishments....(Makes me feel welcome)
4. Schools are small....( Hard to get lost, in more ways than one)
3. Family and friends come here for vacation....(Always nice when they visit)
2. The beach....(Truly beautiful)
1. Everybody knows your name....(Small town and lots of friends)


Jaded said...

Ahhhh, welcome to my world. Only those of us who live at the shore can truly understand. And we call our tourists "shoobies." At one point, the tourists from PA would bring their lunches to the Jersey shore in shoe boxes to keep them from getting sqished. Thus, the "shoobie" was born. Every summer I think I can't take another day of the crowds, but for the rest of the year, I can't imagine living anywhere else!

BonnyT said...

Weird...I just commented and my old blog name came up that lost access to for some weird reason over 2 months ago...


Puffer said...

I agree
Our little town has just opened up the cruise ship dock. It's great for the town but it's busy and now the cruise ships are comming more often. We need it for our economy.
The bonus is now you can rent these little scooters and bomb all over town.
That's my thoughts for now

Anne said...

the mendocino coast in the summer... fun for the tourists, hard for the locals.

Phoebe said...

At least the Jersey Shore has an off-season so that life in a small town can resume. Here in the Big Apple, there is no off-season. I don't imagine there's one in Laguna either.

Anne said...

hi nancy~
speaking of laguna... after hearing about the mudslide down there, i am wondering about you and your well-being! hope everything's okay with you and yours.