Wednesday, May 25, 2005


Well, needless to say our marriage news took many by storm. My new husband's (MNH) family was shocked. His aunt and a
cousin called to welcome me into the family.

I had met his daughter before we got married and frankly, I am not sure how she really felt. But, she was kind to me. And I really liked her.

MNH's sister was really shocked. She had been visiting him just a couple weeks before we got married. I already had my ring and was sleeping on a bed downstairs, because of my broken ankle. We didn't tell her while she was there. I think we just felt weird about it being so fast. I am sure she saw my ring, but we never mentioned it. She told me I was a good guest. I didn't tell her I LIVED there and was marrying her brother. Neither did he. Strange.

My family called to congratulate us. My parents knew that we were going to Paris and would probably get married there. Nobody else knew that. When we didn't go to Paris, and ended up in Vegas, they were not too surprised.

We had a big reception in our back yard. It was a blast and made up for the big wedding we didn't have. I had known since I was five, that I would never have a big wedding. I would never walk down an isle with all those people watching me. Too nervous.

When the man took me to buy an engagement ring, I didn't have a clue about money. Didn't know how much to spend or what size rock to get. I picked a beautiful one carat pear shaped diamond with two half carat baguettes on either side. Not a big band. Simple. He wrote a check.... I was shocked by that. In a past relationship, I got a $400 ring and he made payments.

The night before we left for Vegas, we went to a neighborhood jeweler and got the man a band and a band with baguettes for me. It went perfectly with my engagement ring. I had them soldered together later.

Anyhow, MNH's daughter was in Copan, Honduras, on a Mayan dig. We planned on visiting her there and we decided to go to Anthony's Key Resort in Roatan, Honduras, for a honeymoon. Roatan is a small island in the Caribbean and spectacular. We were in a bungalow on stilts above the sand. To have meals we had to take a small boat to the bigger island. Fruit loop birds everywhere. Unbelievable water. MNH did scuba. We snorkeled together and just relaxed.....A LOT. I had taken a scuba course in high school and wanted to get certified for our trip and took a class before we left. I did everything I was supposed to do. But, one evening after staying under water and suffering an almost panic attack, I told MNH that I couldn't do it. It was like claustrophobia. So, I snorkeled and did the paddle boats while he dove. But snorkeling together was really romantic and I had never seen so many colorful fish.

MNH told me how he liked hermit crabs. They were everywhere. Along with Iguanas and as I said already, the fruit loop birds.
One day he was reading in the hammock and I returned from a walk with a hermit crab for him. It was the size of my hand. Well, I gave it to him and it attatched itself to his finger and it hurt. He shouted loudly. I laughed so hard. I said, "I thought you liked hermit crabs!" Still laughing. He said, " Well, not that big!" I think he got over his thing about the little, or big creatures.

One day we ventured into the town near by. Coxen Hole. We waited outside the resort for a bus. Along came a VW van. Pretty rickety at best. We got to town and got some snacks. There was a partially sunken ship in the harbor. Had been there forever. On the way back I noticed the driver of the VW was half done with a pint of whiskey. I looked at MNH in horror and he said, " I saw that on the way here and didn't tell you, or you wouldn't have gotten back in for the ride back." Oh shit. Well, we made it back and did not go back to that town.

We left Roatan for Copan. We got on a bus and took the road to Copan. When there was one..Some of the roads were dirt from being washed out or just not asphalted yet. A little scary. Copan is a city of the Maya, high in the mountains, with cobblestone streets. Laundry was done by local women, on rocks in the river. It amazed me how well the clothes came out. We stayed at an old hotel with the biggest bougainvillea I had ever seen. Spectacular. We were in good company at the hotel as there was a film crew from National Geographic. They were there to do a documentary about the Maya ruins.

MNH's daughter was working on the dig. We got to see how and what they did, up close and personal. Little brushes lightly brushing the artifacts. We saw the amazing ball court and the hieroglyphic stairway. We got to go into a cave that was off limits to the public.

My stepdaughter took us to the local watering hole. Very eclectic mix of people. People from all over. Most there to help with the dig. She took us to a couple of restaurants as well. We got to see where she lived. A house with several other people.

Packs of wild dogs roamed the streets and I wanted to pet them. But was told not to. We went to a big town square, where most of the town converged after sun down for some relief from the heat. It was a nightly practice. The people worked hard all day and it was very hot an humid. The kids would kick around the soccer balls and the older folks came with chairs.

It was an experience of a life time for me. I had only been to Mexico City before and it was also my first time on a plane. When we would mention going to Honduras, people would seem perplexed. "Why Honduras?" They would ask. Well, it is a beautiful country with a lot of history, good and bad.

As for Paris, never made it there. Have been to many other places though, pre kids and with our kids. I really have no desire to ever go to Paris. Being able to visit the places I have been, is all because of my husband.

And to reply to somebody who commented on what a great guy I have....That is so true. I am very very blessed.


lightfeather said...

What a wonderful adventure and time to develop that special "we-ness" I love your stories!

Grumpy Old Man said...

Actually while we were in Copán, my daugher met her future husband, Rex, who was riding chicken buses around Central America looking at pre-Columbian sites. They are still married and have two fine boys.

Since we were there, crime has gotten much worse. Rex was leading a group of tourists and they got held up, kidnapped and robbed. Continued the trip, though.

-- "MNH" aka "Grumpy Old Man"

for_the_lonely said...

Wow....the stories you could telll, girl! :) Very interesting stuff!


Phoebe said...

Actually, when I visited, Grumpy implied that you were getting married soon, but he didn't say how soon. That made it clear that your tenure in the family room might be long. But as for moving in, you hardly had!

I have to say that I'm glad this happened after our mother died. She would have disapproved of the speed of these events, and I would have been in the middle with her calling me saying things like, "Why can't they just live together?" (It always amazed me when she said that. Aren't mothers supposed to disapprove of living together without benefit of clergy?)

I know she would have come to love you as I have, but I'm just glad I didn't have to be monkey in the middle. As for the aunts, I told them if they had questions, they should ask Grumpy.

As the old saying goes, "They said it wouldn't last!"