Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Help in Organizing Our Homes

This is the clutter on the corner of my counter, notice the filing cabinet!

I ran across a blog the other day and found this amazing site. I am the clutter queen and never seem to get it put away. Mainly because we have more stuff than places to put it.

This website helps with organizing your home. It has handy tips, like taking around a trash bag and picking up twenty-seven items to throw away. Then a bag for twenty-seven items to donate. Do this daily and it gets done. Clutter and having too much stuff slowly starts to go away. Tells you to take baby steps...I like that. Not so overwhelming.

There are many other tips and ideas. Even tells you how to declutter in fifteen minutes a day. I have signed up for this free online wonder. They even have a board! And recipes!

The site is called FlyLady.net and it says; Your personal online coach to help you take control of your house and home.

Here is the link

I hope this helps those of you who need it as badly as I do!

Happy decluttering!


Heidi said...

This is great Nancy! I'm a major clutter queen... They even have recipes..I might attempt "The Hobo Chicken" lol ..I came across another link from this site..Savingdinner.com.

Thanx for sharing this info.

lightfeather said...

Where was this gal pre-empty nest? Sigh.....just when I have a handle on things...sheesh! just my luck!

Cindy said...

I'll be reading, but I don't hold out much hope! I'm so past worrying about housework now.

Phoebe said...

Nancy, it's funny that you found this. My friend Marjorie in Mauritius put me on to this site. Marjorie has more stuff than anyone I know. She's been stationed all over the world and collects all kinds of things: marionettes, textiles, painting. You name it! She is a devotee of Flylady, but I'm not sure how much it has helped.

Nancy said...

I will be using tips. But conforming to the rules may elude me...Schedules, blah!

TheMommason said...

Hey that clutter looks like my office AFTER I clean LOL...

The whole 27 things yeah cool trick you think I can get Hunter to do it in the play room with his toys ...