Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Lack of Sleep

Yesterday Zoe and I did a ton of work on the garage. Instead of just cleaning off the pool table and cleaning around it, she starts hauling crap out of the corner, that has been there for two years. She says, "We are going to do this right!" And what a job. We worked all afternoon yesterday doing the flylady.net way. We worked for an hour very hard then took a short break.

We got numerous leaf bags out for the trash, the recycling is overflowing as well. We worked til the pizza got here about 6:30 last night. It looks better and certainly more organized, but we have a few hours to go this morning.

I have been awake all night. Literally. I have been watching TV and trying to fall asleep to no avail. I am usually up by around this time, with a few hours of sleep most nights. I am finally yawning though, so maybe I will be able to go to sleep til 6:30 or so. I hate when I am dog tired and cannot sleep.

Zoe also read Harry Potter yesterday, before the garage and during the short breaks. Then she went down to help Katharine clean her room...She is growing up, that one! She says she likes cleaning the garage with me. But David says the same thing and we get to it once a year or so!

Anyhow, the pizza finally arrived and we stopped for the evening. We even forgot to eat before dinner yesterday. I did drink a ton of water though.

I sent out one of those emails I hate. You know, send to eight people and something you have been waiting for will happen. I got three things out of a purse. One was my other reading glasses that are supposed to be in my current purse. So, that was pretty freaky, but don't be checking your emails for any more of those. LOL

I thought we were in for a hot day today, because the moon and stars could be seen. It's been a while for that. But, now I cannot see any lights across the canyon, so the marine layer has reappeared. Good thing since in a few hours I will be back in the garage! The trash man is going to hate me this week!

Oh and as usual, I did my grocery shopping Sunday night for delivery this morning. So that will be good. I don't have to drive down the hill, which will save some time.

I think we have figured out all the sleeping arrangements except for my sister in law. I think we need to borrow an air mattress for her and then we won't have to rent her a hotel room. They are very expensive here, even with local discounts. But it is more fun if she can stay with us anyhow. Unless she gets kidded out and wants a room! LOL

Off to try to sleep. Have a great morning all!


Cindy said...

I got to wondering what the heck you were doing up so early and then it dawned on me that you probably haven't been to bed yet! I hope you are able to get some sleep.

majamom said...

Hi Nancy,
Well good job on the cleaning and Kudos to Zoe for leading the way!

What i would give for a good marine layer.
I want to live near the ocean!

107 yesterday and I am pleading with mother nature to take a "CHILL PILL"
Much focused energy coming your way for the finishing of the cleaning task!
N a m a s t e ,

lightfeather said...

I know you will be having a ball! Great job on the garage. I have marine layer envy for sure. I am so hot here!

Karen said...

114 on the way home from work....
100 in the shade----sought out shade and an air conditioner immediately after stripping down out of sweaty frying work clothes.
tip if you are cleaning in hot weather:
dunk your tshirt in cold water and ring out--then put it on. It really helps keep you cool and if anyone surprises you with an unexpected knock on the door they get a free peep show ! hee hee

Phoebe said...

I don't know how you operate on so little sleep. I have that wonderful post-menopausal-wake-up-in-a-pool-of-sweat thing and it drive me nuts! I used to be such a good sleeper. I resent not being able to cut Zs the way I used to.

And I snore. Whoever sleeps in the living room with me better be prepared!

Heidi said...

Nancy, Hope u get some sleep tonight..The worst is over...Relax and enjoy.

Playground In My Mind said...

That song Counting my Blessings comes to mind as I imagine u with insomnia...Bing Crosby...lovely voice to match with a lovely song and Rosemary Clooney singing w/him. AH...poetry. :) Sweet dreams. Renee

TheMommason said...

Woohoo.. Mom and I have my Garage ship shape and it has stayed that way the rest of the house is ready for another overhaul and this weekend Mom is supposed to help me with my office drag it all out clean it up which will get rid of most of the family room clutter since that is my scrapbooking stuff that will have a workable space once I get the office decluttered!

Have fun and those air mattresses are actually very comfy and handy you may want to buy one.

Just Jan said...

Oh my....after reading this post I felt as though I was hyper from drinking a pot of coffe and I don't drink the stuff. You appeared way to wired to sleep. I do hope you got some good rest before all the guests arrived...hehehe.