The other day on my I've Been Tagged post, I got a comment from somebody called Elohimus Maximus. He said, "Being tagged is a sin...repent for that. God 58 Sinners 0. I chalked him up to a wacko and did nothing.
This morning I was at my sister-in-law Phoebe's blog and I saw that he commented there too. I told her the loser commented on my blog too. She said he is harmless and that she has met a very funny Mormon woman thru Elihimus. And that my hub, her brother, put her onto Elihimus. I told the hub and he scratched his head and said, "What?" He does that when he is thinking of an answer. He says, what. Even if he hears you, he says, what? I learned years ago to just wait til the penny drops and he will answer me. Not that he is dumb, just takes him a minute to stop his overloaded with smarts brain, to hear the question.
Anyhow, I clicked on this guy's blog and the hub started laughing. He said, "Oh, he's funny. It's a joke." Exhibit A...The title of his blog is, The Church of Even Later Day Saints.... Okay, that's funny. It was a joke. Glad I didn't blast his ass!
Back to Phoebe's blog. Her link is on my blog. Phoebe owns a Wild Bird Center in West Caldwell, NJ. She is quite the birder and leads hikes for birders. If you ever want to know about a bird or buy backyard bird goodies, check her out. She is also a very good photographer and has an awesome new camera. You may see her photos on her blog. Today was a sphinx moth on some flora...Very pretty and also, her cat Nicholas who was looking out the door. He is quite handsome.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Yesterday, I took four 12 and 13 year olds to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I liked the movie very much. Even though I love the original and love Gene Wilder's wicked and sarcastic wit, which was totally lost on me as a youngun. Later, I GOT it. Still one of my favorite films, I was not looking forward to seeing the remake. It was fine, but Johnny Depp was wickedly wonderful in the role! Luckily, the girls I took were old enough to get the humor, lost on younger kids, and they laughed right along with me. So, I would recommend this movie. Mainly because of Depp and the young boy who played Charlie. He was also the young boy in Depp's Finding Neverland. A movie on my all time favorites list now. This young boy had never acted before and has now done two films with Depp. He is the "To the manor born" kind of actor.
Zoe has her second day this week of helping out at the library. She has begun community service there. She likes it. Community service for the sake of volunteering, not in lieu of a jail sentence!
Katharine has another party. Get this. Today's party, is a cast party for a cast member from Suessical who won't be here for the "real" cast party! She is going on vacation for a week...I suppose any reason for a party is a good one!

This past weekend Suessical opened and there were two matinees. The same theatre is putting on A Chorus Line as well, with shows at night. Both big casts and a ton of work...This weekend, two more Suessical shows and Katharine will be done. Unless she gets a part in the Sound of Music, which she wants to audition for this Saturday!
And Lindsay, my cousin's daughter that I borrowed for another week, will probably have the honor to go with me to the grocery store! She and Zoe have been burning a hole in the mailbox with Netflix Anime CDs. And, I got them the Anime Network on Demand the other day...The girls are having fun though, that's good enough for me!
I want to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory too! Only because I'm a JD fanatic.....
But I spent all of our fun money last month, and August is the month from hell on expenses. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
The fuchsia is very cool. It rotates onto my screen as wallpaper. I like closeup and macro photos.
Get this... I was watching Jeopardy today, and thought of your husband. I bet he would've whooped Ken Jenning's ass! LOL
It sounds like your girls are having a wonderful time..and your Katherine is living the life of that I always wanted as a child! Lucky her! :)
Love you,
Thanks for the "commercial"! I wondered why I had a sudden increase in traffic on my blog.
Elohimus Maximus calls his church "The Church of Jesus Christ of Even More Latter-Day Saints". I still say that Sister Jensen is funnier.
We need a review of Seussical on the family blog. I hope Katharine has had a blast doing the play.
Try this for Sister Jensen.
Our mother used to complain that when she called and asked Grumpy, "How are you?" (a mistake right there, if you ask me), he'd answer, "How am I?" She felt he was stalling and it made her nuts. Your analysis may be more to the point. He's gotta unwind his cerebral cortex from whatever it's doing to focus on your question. He's a good lad.
Interesting...I'll check out your sister's blog. I had been about to blast Even More Latter Day Saints...hmmmm. Sense of humor. Forgot to read with that hat on:) Renee
Please don't think that you offend w/your language. I enjoy your blog very much.
I just think that it is "easy" to swear. I swear when I cannot find the words for what I am feeling-usually anger or frustration. However, I try to edit myself in writing-it is a discipline. When I was on-air, you simply didn't swear...the FCC would come down on you hard. Now it is just the opposite. Jocks swear on the air and call it "entertainment." It is just a pet peeve.
BTW. I love your pictures. Your flowers are amazing. You have a green thumb...that is sooo cool. :) Renee p.s. I think that I "talk" too much. Like the length of my post was shocking to visitors to my blog. I spent four days with the survey...just something to ponder. (Hear I go again. Spelling and meaning intended.;)
have you ever seen depp in "deadman", the jarmusch film? quite different, and stark.
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