Monday, August 22, 2005


Welcome to Monday and the return of the freaking jackhammer! There are new neighbors and they have been gutting the little eight hundred square foot hobbit house, for three weeks now. The jackhammer, this is week two. They seem to hate concrete and are removing all of it around the house!

Nothing has been done with one single city permit...It is on a hill. Hmmm. Well, his daddy is a contractor and the spoiled guy is very rude to the subs! He yelled at one the other day for not bringing four guys with him to get a cast iron tub into the house! I started not liking him right there and then. Rude. I don't like rude people. And, the only reason the guy put up with spoiled guy talking to him that way is I am sure daddy contractor is paying nicely for them to expedite the home remodeling process. And, some of the workers likely work for daddy contractor.

Spoiled guy has already ripped out all the beautiful cottage type flower gardens the last neighbor laboriously planted every weekend while he lived there. I am sure it will be fine, but I was sorry to see all the beautiful flowers go.

They begin at 7:30 am and work til 4:00. At least they didn't ruin the weekend with pounding and hammering. I guess that is a good thing...I sure hope I like spoiled guy's wife. She hasn't seen the house yet.

I have tons to do...Girl Scout nut sales begin soon and I have piles of paper to go thru. And the city has decided it wants to sell the Girl Scout House, which has been here since 1932...They want to use the proceeds to rebuild the hill that fell down. There is sure to be a fight. We are supposed to have a big meeting at a park tomorrow afternoon to save the house.

Laguna Beach has a pretty high rate of girls in scouts. 19% of the girls here are involved with scouts. Compared to 9% in most other communities. We only have 24,000 people in this town too. But, you know how we mothers get when they city wants to take away something we have had for so long...No, they city cannot have the house!

Well, that is enough complaining for this morning...Just realized something is due to the Girl Scout Council tomorrow. Better get it in the mail.


TheMommason said...

You should go over and ask him if this is really a reality show called "There a new Jackass in Town?" Ask him what the prize is for shoving the jackhammer up his bottom...

Sorry it is ick but hopefully he will be gone all the time anyway...

Sorry to hear about the drama over the Girl Scout house historic landmarks are always important to keep. Never heard of Girl Scout nut sales. I like scouting for what it teaches as far as confidence and team building and pride in a job well done!
After the decision by scouting to not allow gay couples to be scout masters or allow gay members it is not an organization I support anymore since I think any child and any type of family should be able to participate if they wish. Please let me know if they change this policy as that is the only problem I have with scouts.


Carie said...

my neighbors were like that when they first moved in, they started at 6:20...I went over with a plate of cookies and said very nicely that I have a little girl who sleeps till 7 to get ready for school and a mom who leaves the house at 7 and could they please start they started at 8 for the rest of the time and were done at 3...they said so my daughter could do her homework in peace...we became friendly, hes in Iraq right now so we mow his lawn for him...I wanted to hate the noisy man to lol but my mom said if I pissed him off I had to live next to him for a very long time lol

zbjernak said...

tht guy must be rich...
to afford all the hardworks of demolishin everything even the flowers...

hehehe....hopefully the wife is good...else i bet u will have a hard time dealing with them

about girl scouts...we have boy and girl scouts too... but nothing like what u having...mostly those scouts are doing those community jobs... and some functions...

cheers to you though

Jaded said...

Call in an anonymous tip to the building inspector. They might be interested in all the stuff going on without permits.

Sorry about the Girl Scout thing. I realize that the city wants to rebuild the hill, but why do it at the expense of the kids? Makes no sense to me. And we don't have nut sales in NJ either. Or at least I've never seen one.

Hope all is well. Block party was yesterday, so I'm still beat from all of the preparations etc. And it was sooo hot yesterday.. mid 90's with high humidity. Index was like 101. It was fun, but so so hot!!