This is one of many Mourning Doves that frequent my little bird sanctuary.

I love the Sweet Potato Queens and I have some of their mugs. I had coffee this morning!

This is a hot and hazy morning view.

The House Finches and Doves get along very well! This is a hard shot since the feeder is on the outside of the railing.

Another morning view with a crow fying by.

This spider came down from its web after I moved the umbrellas around...Sorry spider.

This Scrubjay shot was tough. The big guys land on the feeder and it never stops rocking the whole time they eat.

This is where the Mourning Doves hang out most of the time.

This hummer is the one who keeps the others away all day! This is my mosaic bird bath. Pretty huh?

You take good pitchers, woman.
Fantastic pics, Nancy!! Except the spider. I hate spiders. I'm very allergic to spider bites, so I keep Raid by my front door, just in case. I live in sort of a wooded area, so they get to be BIG. Ugh!!!
Didn't finish all my cleaning today, but, I'll get around to the rest eventually. Didn't feel well so I took a nap and lost my momentum, lol.
Oh, and I don't mind the word verification thing, although sometimes I can't figure out what the effin letter is supposed to be. Sometimes they look strange to me. Or maybe I'm just on crack. who knows.
Looks like you have a wonderfull house. Keep up the photos i really enjoy them.
great pics.
I can't stand spiders though--I get bitten up so badly from those little guys.
our bedroom was downstairs in the basement at our old house and I woke up to 13 bites on my uncovered leg one morning !
needless to say, I must have spider bait in my blood cuz they think I am yummy.
Great pics...but that spider blew me away! I've only seen them like that in movies and in National Geographic! LOL! Do they all look like where you live?
Ours are so tiny just a little bigger than an ant...or we have the daddy longlegs...but thas about as big as they get..
The birds are beautiful! I loved seeing them til i got to that derned SPIDER!! EEK i freak and run and jump when i see them and they arent near the size of the one in your pic YUCK! Thanks for the pics cept for the spider one LOL have a great Monday!
WOW what awesome photos! Have you ever submited to the Audaboune (sp?) society?
I always enjoy seeing your photos..What digital camera do you use? I'm looking for something "very user friendly"..
Ya know, I'm scared to death of birds, and not particularly fond of spiders. But the pictures are nice and I do appreciate them!
wow what an amazing place to live...I get alot of birds as well...but I can't feed them in my yard any more...the blue jays and mocking birds beat up my poor little dogs lol...I want to move to the hills, I want an amazing view...I want to feel at peace
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