Tuesday, August 16, 2005

My dog and I are ill

I had to rephrase the title. My dog and I are sick, just didn't sound right! LOL

I have had these damn sores in my mouth. Herpes, the dreaded word. They get so sore that my whole face, head and neck ache so badly, that I cannot even function. I cannot be touched, nothing but vicodin seems to take away the pain and then it truly just lessens it. I had the same thing about a month ago. For years I got this and thought my face had a cold. That is how it feels. Like one side of my face had the flu. Sore, horrible. I finally figured out a while back it is directly associated with the cold sores I get in my mouth. I have tried some of the over the counter and prescription meds. They work somewhat, but basically it will last for seven days or a week...I just have to deal with it.

In other news, my poor pup has been sick. He woke me up about one Sunday night to let him out of his crate and proceeded to get sick from both ends. Thank goodness I let him out! Poor guy. He spent the day yesterday doing the same thing. I got pissed because I cleaned up vomit eight times at least yesterday. Not necessarily that pissed me off, but my kids saying, "Eww, he did it again mommy!" As if it is my job to clean up puke!

Finally, I ordered the girls and Katharine's friend a pizza and a salad and went down to watch TV. Next thing I know, it is midnight. I conked out! I came up and Katharine and her friend were in the kitchen. I asked Kate to let the dog out of his cage. No reason he should be in there if he isn't feeling well. What a mess that would be. He came outside and drank a whole bowl of water and didn't stop til the water was done. I have watched him for an hour or so and so far, he has kept it down.

I am not sure what made him so sick. He eats everything in sight. Even his toys, but something finally upset his digestion enough to make sure he didn't eat anything yesterday. He was not dehydrated yesterday, cuz he was peeing, so I am going to see how he does between now and tomorrow and if need be, I will take him to the vet. But, he seems to have a bit more spring in his step and his ears are perky, so I think whatever it was, is now out of his system. I hope so.

Our cousin Lindsay went home on Sunday. She was a treat to have around. Zoe was bored last night and wrote a poem about it, self titled. Good poem though. But, I have stated this will be the summer they learn to deal with boredom and I mean it. She needs to call the library and figure out when she needs to work again. She likes it and it occupies her time...Hmm, dealing with boredom!

We are very excited about Katharine getting to play Brigitta in the upcoming Sound of Music. She nailed her audition on Saturday and while doing her last performance of Seussical the Musical, I got the call offering her the role! This is her third audition and has been in the ensemble for the first two plays. This is her first real role. This is a major passion of hers, so I am very happy for her.

School is about to start and we need to get clothes and supplies for the new year. Zoe will be starting high school, which blows me away. She is not looking forward to the school change, but I think she will be happy there. She is a great student and usually enjoys school. I think she will see how much more independent high school is and that she will like it. At least I hope so. I am very proud of they young woman she has become.

That's about it for now. I am going to see if I can get some more sleep, after I take some more aspirin! Nighty night.


Charlie/Steve, the dog...is feeling like his old self. Ready to play, eat and his ears are up and perky and his tail is wagging. The bowl of water he drank last night and the little treat I gave him a bit ago, have stayed down, thankfully!

I am feeling better. Not up to snuff, but better....


Cindy said...

I can't wait until you feel better! I would hate to have to take pain medication, they always make me sick.

I'm excited for Katharine! What a treat!

BonnyT said...

Aw geez Nance...poor you :( Unfortunately I have alwasy been blessed with cold sores...usually a few at a time...but I couldn't imagine them inside my mouth :(

Feel better ok? TRy buying some Fiddler tickets and planning a trip...it worked for me..;)

Jan said...

I am so sorry that you and your doggie are sick. Hope you are both better soon.
Cold sores painfully suck.

Heidi said...

Nancy, Sorry about your cold sores that must be very unconfortable..Hope both you and your dog are feeling better today.

A Flowered Purse said...

Oh wow that sounds super painful. My dad had something like you were talking about it was shingles or something but he was in super pain and nothing would relieve it. I hope your puppy dog is better soon too.
God bless n hugs

author said...

just stopping in to say the same as everyone else here, but just wanted you to know I am thinking of you..

dixiedarling said...

feel better soon - my dog scrappy was just sick like yours a few days ago and he is all better now.

Carie said...

I am so sorry you aren't feeling good,

my dog gets sick like that when he gets a toad...he has learned to leave them alone but it took awhile...its so hard to see your pets and your children sick, you feel helpless...I am glad you are both feeling better :)

thank you for what you said on my blog, I am going to give it a try, see if I can do it, means alot to me that you will be there to listen, thank you so much


Karen said...

glad you pup is feeling better.
hope you feel better soon.
cold sores are aweful--just hate those nasty buggers !
great news for Katherine !
get well and take care of yourself.

Jan said...

If you have these cold sores frequently....Lysine may help.
It can be bought over the counter.
Helped me several years ago when I had frequent herpes.

for_the_lonely said...

Hope that you get to feeling better soon!

Love you,

CrackerLilo said...

I'm glad you and the dog are feeling better. I hope you both feel *good* very, very, very soon.

And now I understand something. My mom and my brother will throw up if they see or smell vomit; I'm not so sensitive. So my mom gave me that job quite early!

Not that I'm suggesting you delegate to your kids...hehehehehehe...

Carie said...

about Fraggle Rock lol I loved it so much on HBO with the brain games lol...I have all of them on tape and my daughter now watches them ;o) and its even the ring tone on my phone lol that and teenage mutant ninja turtles lol yep I am wierd

Nancy said...

Well thanks Shane, but I had a complete physical four months ago, diabetes included....

Anne said...

hope you and your pup are better soon-like.

zbjernak said...

poor nancy... heheh

have u try bonjela?


i think it is very useful

Heidi said...

Nancy, glad your dog is feeling better..Hope you are as well today.