I took a Zanax last night and told the girls I was going down to the quietness of my own room! Hub called and asked what was for dinner. I told him there was steak, kasha and mixed veggies. He replied with a yum and told me he would be home in about a half hour.
I believe I was asleep when he got home. At some point I awoke to think, I should get up. Nope. Back to sleep. I woke up again, but this time it was after 11:00. Hub was lying next to me watching TV. Watching what the rest of the country was, the devastation for Katrina. I told him hi and then mentioned that the TV was so loud. "Well," he says, "it would not be so loud, but I had to turn it up to drown out your snoring!" I didn't get mad, I just thought, shit, I finally got a good four hours of sleep!
I set up the coffee for the morning. I thought about how yesterday, I was out on the deck with my computer sitting in the fog, and Hub came up and started to fill the carafe with water. He was about to fill the coffee maker with water again. It would have been all over the counter. But, having the great ear that I have, I said, "Hey hub, the coffee is set up. You are up before the timer at 5:51 am! Just turn it to the on position." He says, "I am glad you told me that. That was easy." I was happy too, that I didn't have water all over the place to clean up!
And before you ask, and I know you will, I like to set timers for odd times. I get bored with everything being on the fives or tens! Hence, the 5:51. When my hub and I used to sign our girls in or out of Montessori school, we would sign something like 8:09 or 3:03, most people round to the next five or ten...Not us! LOL
The other morning hub said, "Wow, this is really good coffee!" I asked what was wrong with the coffee on other days. He laughed and said, "Man, you aren't even Jewish!" No, but I have been married to one for fifteen years! Little things like that keep us laughing. Any time he tells me something is good, I wonder why it is better than before. Chances are that it is the same, and he either didn't notice or he neglected to tell me for the answer he got that morning!
We have had almost a week of true summer like weather. I don't like the heat, even dry heat. I love when people complain about the heat in say, Palm Springs or Arizona. People from more humid climates respond with, "well at least it is a dry heat!" So is an oven! Wouldn't want to be hanging out in one of those either. Anyhow, out heatwave has gone away, at least here along the coast. We woke up to drippy fog again yesterday morning and I didn't cause it by washing my car! Imagine that. I am outside and it is all of 60 degrees with 15 mph winds. It is freaking cold out here. Had to put on a sweater. Not cold enough to send me running back in the house though.
One thing that might, may be those really icky spiders I photograph! Icky to most of those who commented on my last photo day post. Love the photos, except the spider...With the exception of Bonny. She commented asking if all our spiders look like that here in California. Said in Toronto, they get little bitty things. Bonn was rewarded with a special email from me, explaining my take on these spiders.
First, I will tell you what I didn't tell her. We live high up above the beach and we live in a cabin like setting. Eucalyptus grove. Wooden house with lots of moths. They cannot hurt you, but I have never seen all an assortment as we have here. Luckily, our dog Charlie, who will be a year old in a week, sometimes thinks he is a cat. He lunges after these moths and eats them. They must be salty because he gets very thirsty after eating one. Okay, my point about the moths is that the spiders like them too.
Every year when these spiders start appearing, I know fall is upon us. They catch moths and spin them up in silk and save them as prey. These spiders can spin the most remarkable webs in record time. My sister in law Phoebe and I watched this occurrence for a few nights while she was here in July. Phoebe with her ultra cool binoculars, for the avid birder, it is the first thing out of the carry on!
These spiders don't bite, sting or hurt anybody. They just exist and hang around til fall, while they get bigger and bigger. By fall, some are the size of a quarter! Seriously. The only problem for me really, is that they spin these webs so fast that you can be taking groceries out of the car and by the walk back to the car for the next load, you get to walk right into a web! Creepy sounding and feeling, I know! LOL
This time of year, when I come out here on the deck at night, I always turn on the lights first. I want to see where they are located so I do not walk into one of their sticky silky webs. If I see one in my way, I will knock it down with a broom handle. This does not make me feel bad, as I know how quickly they can make a new one! But as summer winds down, there are more and more of the creepy crawlers. Left undisturbed they can stay in the same web for a very long time. They seem to hang out in the same area they first appear, only getting bigger. So, these are spiders that remind me that fall is coming and school is starting and frankly, I LOVE THESE GUYS! LOL
I just heard a pack of coyotes making the sounds they make when they get something to eat. Very loud and it ends as quickly as it started. We live in nature. Living around nature is a good thing. It reminds me that humans are not the only living creatures on this planet. Even if we sometimes think we are!
Okay so my fun, upbeat post turned into a spider post. That's okay. It sure as hell beats whining! And for your viewing pleasure, I am adding a photo of a very cool web! So there!

Zanax is a godsend! LOL So glad that you got some sleep! The Jewish joke cracked me up ( in case you don;t know, my mother's side of the family is Jewish).
Charlie is a cutie! He can come to my house and eat the moths that sneak in anytime! LOL
Hope that you have a great day! Love you!
Funny, yesterday was a xanax day for me as well, I slept right through Big Brother, have no idea what happened. I woke up at midnight and went to bed.
the comment about dry heat--LOL I can relate. honestly though, I would rather have the oven effect than feel like I am in a humidifier. Colorado is very dry and I like it that way. grew up on the east coast and was always sweaty--hair never dried---ick ! no thanks :)
Charlie is a cute moth hunter !
give him a good tummy rub from me.
I say that all the time when people tell me a dry heat is different... My oven is dry heat but I don't stick my freakin' head in THERE to cool off!!
Still hate spiders.
Off to take Jadette to visit her grandparents. Man, I've been running all week. Maybe I need to score some of that Xanex!
You are going to hate me wifebear.
I hate them....with a passion.....must kill all spiders i see. I run screaming from the room!
I know....i know.....they are nature and beleive me, I can appreciate the beauty of a wonderfull web.....just not in my house.
We have these spiders here called hunstmans. The big ones get to the size of dinner plates and they are big....hairy....and SCARY.
The bastards run at you......yes....RUN AT YOU.
(would you beleive I got a cold shiver when I looked at this link)
I was obvilious to the fact that Chocolate was a no reply email, so I will send the email here!
Well shit Pete! I would get scared of spiders running at me too! UHG...I only put up with the OUTSIDE spiders because they are all around. I do not have a particular like for spiders. Atually the oppisite is true! But, I am amazed by their webs, I don't want to live with the frekin things! I have to adjust to them being outside and I do. I use our deck as an outside office. You may see that in previous posts or my flickr account! I do not like spiders, as much as the hub tells me they have a purpose. If they were in the house. I would get a shoe out immediately and kill the suckers. Hub, on the other hand will pick them up, bare handed and release them outside!
Being a photgropher though, I do love to shoot them, but not if they can leap at me! LOL
I do not hate you at all...I love reading what your write and I would love to add you to my links, you big fraidy cat! LOL...
By the way, my name is Nancy....See you soon, and I will not do any spider posts for a few days!
What a great post I loved it you painted a nice picture of your deck time adventures and as always a great nature photo. I think you should make a coffee table book!
Lovely post as always...
but if the hub spilled the water
for the coffee...
Shouldn't he be the one to
clean it up ?
seems fair to me !
I'm so happy to read posts like this, especially after reading the one underneath. *hugs*
Nice husband you've got there, too. :-)
Gotta tell Bonnie that when I moved to Toronto to a very swanky apartment building on Wellington Street East, our building had to be sprayed because the entire outside of the building was covered with spiders. Two or three days after the spraying they had to power-wash the whole outside of the building to get rid of the insecticide. Those Canadian spiders may be small, but they were plentiful.
Never used Xanax so I have no comment!
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