I think we were all a bit nervous about the Space Shuttle Discovery landing today. Thankfully, it landed here in California and everything went well.
Every time I heard mission control talk to Eileen Collins, I admired her more. She is a take charge woman who loves what she does. She explained the mission to her two children and showed them how they were trying to make this a safe mission. She sounds like she is a good mother as well as the commander of the Discovery.

When asked how they felt about landing in California, Collins replied, "We are ready for whatever we need to do." Then when they landed safely, she thanked the whole team. She did not bask in the limelight and take all the credit. She is a team player and it showed.
Eileen Marie Collins, Commander
The 48-year-old retired Air Force colonel has already logged more than 537 hours in space. In 1999, she became the first female shuttle commander. On STS-114, she'll maneuver the shuttle so the ISS crew can examine the orbiter's tiles; rendezvous with and undock from the station; and land the shuttle.
Trivia: She has received many military service awards, including the Distinguished Flying Cross.
The crew as a whole was quite capable and unique. It is very exciting to see Discovery complete a very important mission and to prove that our space program is still working. Although, some may think obsolete....

After the Columbia completed many missions and landed so often, we became used to it, almost like everyday flying. But, when we lost Columbia and its crew, it was devastating to their families and our country. We were once again reminded of how dangerous it is to go into space.
I admire these astronauts and their spirit of adventure for our nation. I cannot even imagine the anxiety of going up for the first time since the Columbia disaster. And then the problems they fixed on the outside of Discovery while floating in space, I am just in awe.
Well done and congratulations. This has been a great week with wonderful outcomes. If you have time, try checking out the bios of these adventurers. You will be in awe as well.
Did I mention we could use a good woman president???
As I told you on your blog Hayden, I think her hair resembles a bowl cut, but doesn't change how or what I think about her!
And, I do think we need a woman to clean house in Washington. I better rephrase that. I think it is time a woman changes things in Washington. Time for some old goats to go!
I was worried about the shuttle too. The alternate landing sites after Florida are CAlifornia, New Mexico then Atlantic City, NJ! Well, it's not actually IN Atlantic City, but that's the name of the airport. There's a big squadron of F-16's there, and we have a landing strip that's about 5 miles long, so it's high on the list of places to land. I just wanna see it land here once! That would be SOOO cool!
Nancy, please see my blog today.
expecting you to join us.
i am so glad nothing awful happened, but i must admit that i am not a fan of nasa in general.
silly me, i guess i just see other ways that kind of money could be spent. fix this planet first comes to mind. but then, i am always the odd (wo)man out! nice posting.
I think that she is awesome too..such a weight and sigh of relief this morning. Could you see the shuttle from your home? I was thinking of you...
I would love to have a female president too...I keep telling Rosie, but I am not sure she'll go for it...;)
Love you,
great post !
I agree, a woman in the white house would be great !
thank god...they are alright...
and really respect the captain collins...
female president...why not?
indonesia and phillipines have one.
Not to mention that the UK and Israel and Pakistan and India did it years ago. We are behind on a lot of these things.
I think we would do well to vote out most of the rascals in Washington and get a bunch of new rascals.
Looks like New York is going to have a woman (Jeannine Pirro) run against our woman senator (Hillary Clinton). Clinton will win in a walk.
Could you hear the sonic booms? I was watching, and I was nervous too. So relieved when they finally landed!
wow I just finally got time to read.
This was wonderful.
Nice to know more about these bave people.
That's cool. Man or woman...Just some new blood!
Per the New York Times this morning, Eileen Collins has a new and much-improved hairdo. I know we don't write about the male astronauts this way, but what the heck! We woman can and will critique one another. Why not!
You know I LOVE This post , I talked about her on my blog! She is so awesome and I AGREE totally on the first woman president, she is AWESOME!!!!
Take care
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